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We offer a variety of services for students, researchers, scientists, 
medical professionals & medical/scientific companies.







Services: Dienstleistungen

Research assistance

  • To develop high-quality scientific content by extensive research, guidance in scientific writing, editing, and fact checking;

  • Offers comprehensive, systematic searches 

    of published medical literature 

  • Assist in scientific project management

  • Integrate summaries from raw data and compiling,analyzing and summarizing data for 

    comprehensive study reports 

Scientific writing support 

  • Offers scientific writing competency (for technical and medical writing), analyzing clinical evidence of all kinds (e.g., public, proprietary, published, unpublished) from all sources (e.g., journals, internal documents, regulatory submissions) to assess project proposals and strategies.

  • Interpretation and analysis of clinical and non-clinicaldata pertinent
    to scientific communications projects 


  • Supports editorial development and preparation of manuscripts in scientific format

  • Proofreading and copyediting skills



Services: Dienstleistungen


  • Videos of Operative Techniques

  • Books on Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery

  • Articles published in scientific journals, e.g. The Heart Matrix

Communications support

  • Preparation of abstracts and/or scientific exhibits, posters and oral presentations of accepted abstracts

  • Preparing tables, charts, figures, and other visual display elements for presenting clinical data in conferences

  • Assistance concerning effective visual and written communication

  • Advancement of oral and written communication skills



Services: Dienstleistungen

Scientific events organization 

  • Extensive support and perfect organization at your specialist events: from acquiring ideal speakers and shaping the presentations’ content to sending the invitation. 

    Our expert symposia with a pronounced affinity towards science
    and medicine enjoy a high standing among specialist editors.

Organization of medical services for foreigners 

  • For international patients seeking health and medical consultation in Berlin, we organize everything necessary for your stay – from facilitation of invitation requires for visa purposes to referrals to required medical specialists for consultation to appropriate medical centers.

  • Logistic management and transportation services - airport pick-up and point-    to-point-transfer (hotel transport, transport to medical specialist and/or to medical      and diagnostic centers) -  with a positive attitude, a commitment to excellence and a quality guarantee, all while keeping your transportation budget in mind 

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